
~ Healthy Weight Loss

The most important thing to remember as you begin any weight loss plan is that there is no quick fix or magic pill that will help you lose your extra pounds and keep them off.
The most successful weight loss plans combine

  • healthy eating,
  • balanced nutrition and
  • regular exercise to help you lose weight.

Often, people find themselves in a perpetual diet cycle, always thinking they have a few pounds to lose, or yo-yo dieting – losing weight and then gaining it right back, only to start dieting again. By putting more emphasis on improving your health, experts agree that you can raise your overall self–esteem, resulting in healthier eating habits, long-term weight loss and improved health.

Successful weight loss over the long term will likely include:

  • adhering to a healthy lifestyle (including nutritious foods and physical activity),

  • making changes in the way you think about food, and

  • paying attention to reasons why you eat (emotions, boredom, or reward vs. actually being hungry).
To lose weight, you must eat fewer calories than your body uses. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to eat less food. There are many ways you can continue to enjoy foods you like while working towards your weight loss goals, creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle:
